The Family Economic Policy Lab investigates social policy alternatives to address social and economic inequality. A guiding principle in our work is that research must be accessible to academics, decision-makers, practitioners, and the public. We achieve this by disseminating our work through academic articles, project reports, and Op-Eds.
Please contact Dr. Leah Hamilton at if you need full-text access to any of our academic publications.
Reports can also be found in our projects section.
- 2025 | PCCI Cohort 2 Report
- 2024 | HudsonUP Year 3 Report
- 2024 | In Her Hands Year 1 Report
- 2022 | HudsonUP Year 2 Report
- 2022 | Child Tax Credit Final Report
- 2021 | HudsonUP Year 1 Report
Academic Articles and Op-Eds
- Hamilton, L., Bellisle, D., Brugger, L., Roll, S., Fox-Dichter, S., and *Pitman, E. (2024). “It saved us”: Parent perspectives of the 2021 expanded Child Tax Credit. SN Social Sciences, 4(26).
- Roll, S., Zheng, H., Hamilton, L., Despard, M., & Chun, Y. (2024). The impacts of the Child Tax Credit on financial resilience and the use of high-cost financial resources: Evidence from a panel survey. Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research.
- Hamilton, L., Choplin, V., & Paputseanos, T. (2023, Dec. 6). From scarcity to security: Participant well-being in the first 2 years of a basic income pilot. Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI).
- Catalyst Center et al. (2023). The Impact of the 2021 Expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) on Families Raising Children with Disabilities. Catalyst Center.
- Elliott, D., Hamilton, L., & Smith, S. (2023, Oct 18). Current and Recent Basic Income and Guaranteed Income Pilots in the United States [Book Chapter]. The Palgrave International Handbook of Basic Income.
- Hamilton, L., Elliott, D., Quick, A., Smith, S., & Choplin, V. (2023, Sep 7). Exploring the Use of AI in Qualitative Analysis: A Comparative Study of Guaranteed Income Data. International Journal of Qualitative Methods.
- Jabbari, J., Anglum, C., & Hamilton, L. (2023, Jul 5). The Child Tax Credit, Educational Investments, and the American Dream: A Moderated Mediation Analysis. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World.
- Roll, S., Constantino, S.M., Hamilton, L., Miller, S., Bellisle, D., & Despard, M. (2023). How Would Americans Respond to Direct Cash Transfers? Results from Two Survey Experiments. Social Service Review.
- Hamilton, L., Despard, M., Roll, S., Bellisle, D., Hall, C., & Wright, A. (2023, Feb 27). Does Frequency or Amount Matter? An Exploratory Analysis the Perceptions of Four Universal Basic Income Proposals. Social Sciences (MDPI).
- Hamilton, L., Choplin, V., & Paputseanos, T. (2023, Feb 16). From Scarcity to Security: Mental Well-being Outcomes in the First Two Years of a Basic Income Pilot. Authorea. [Submitted to Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy].
- Hamilton, L. (2022, Apr 28). Data Speak Volumes in Support of Monthly Child Tax Credit | Opinion. Newsweek.
- Hamilton, L., Roll, S., Despard, M., Maag, E., Chun, Y., Brugger, L., & Grinstein-Weiss, M. (2022, Apr 13). The impacts of the 2021 expanded child tax credit on family employment, nutrition, and financial well-being: Findings from the Social Policy Institute’s Child Tax Credit Panel (Wave 2). Brookings.
- Roll, S., Hamilton, L., & Chun, Y. (2022, Mar 18). Expanded Child Tax Credit Payments Did Not Reduce Employment. Social Policy Institute.
- Hamilton, L. (2021, Oct 21). The Child Tax Credit could be Biden’s bipartisan silver bullet. Fortune.
- Jabbari, J., Hamilton, L., Roll, S., & Grinstein-Weiss, M. (2021, Sep 24). The new child tax credit does more than just cut poverty. Brookings.
- Social Policy Institute. (2021, Sep 15). How are families in the U.S. using their Child Tax Credit payments? A 50 state analysis. Social Policy Insitute.
- Hamilton, L., Yorgun, M., & Wright, A. (2021, Jul 28). “People Nowadays Will Take Everything They Can Get”: American Perceptions of Basic Income Usage. Journal of Policy Practice and Research.
- Hamilton, L., Despard, M., Roll, S., Bellisle, D., Hall, C.A., & Wright, A. (2021). Does Frequency or Amount Matter? Testing the Perceptions of Four Universal Basic Income Proposals. Social Policy Institute Research.
- Hamilton, L. (2021). Asset Limits in Public Assistance and Savings Behavior Among Low-Income Families. Social Science Quarterly.
- Hamilton, L. (2020). Welfare Doesn’t Work: The Promises of Basic Income for a Failed American Safety Net [Series Book]. Exploring the Basic Income Guarantee [Series].
- Hamilton, L. & Martin-West, S. (2019). Universal Basic Income, Poverty, and Social Justice: A Moral and Economic Imperative for Social Workers. Social Work.
- Hamilton, L., Rothwell, D., Huang, J., Nam, Y., & Dollar, T. (2019, Jul 29). Guarding Public Coffers or Trapping the Poor? The Role of Public Assistance Asset Limits in Program Efficacy and Family Economic Well-Being. Poverty & Public Policy.
- Hamilton, L. (2019, Jul 11). Does generous welfare policy encourage dependence? TANF asset limits and duration of program participation. Journal of Children and Poverty.
- Hamilton, L. & Mulvale, J.P. (2019, May 20). “Human Again”: The (Unrealized) Promise of Basic Income in Ontario. Journal of Poverty.